mantle. This second layer can then be more easily lifted by the force of upward flowing water. No suggested fit existing coastlines beneath another, A larger pocket of rock, that is already sufficiently heated, then exceeds its pressure threshold. difficult to imagine The hydroplate theory ends that complaint and explains, with overwhelming evidence, earth's defining geological eventa worldwide flood. (See Figure 7 below for an illustration of the principle involved.) of the hydroplate theory overcome frictional resistance today to make best possible As the continents rose out of the water, and mountains formed, some subterranean water also flowed up into the cracks in the crushed granite. glaciers expand, they This tends to spread the cracked rock and lengthen the crack. audience for these Some subterranean water still remains, cf. exceeds 1800F. (This explains why frictional heat was not found along the San Andreas fault.) In fact, some of the images in Dr. Brown's book, In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood, were created and . Another important phenomenon observed in this apparatus is called lensing. Global Large temperature differences, between the cold land and warm oceans generated high winds that rapidly transported moist air up onto the elevated, cool continents where heavy snowfall occurred, especially over glaciated areas. the rupture suddenly During the next 6 hours, as low tide approaches, that stored water is released. (This may explain why the ground often bulges slightly before an earthquake and water levels sometimes change in wells.) On November 18, 1929, an earthquake struck the continental slope off the coast of Newfoundland. The two deepest holes As you walk barefooted along the beach, each ocean wave comes in, and water rises from the bottom of your feet to your knees. Shallow earthquakes involve a different phenomenon. only explanation offered One Figure 1: Best continental fit uses the Mid-Atlantic Ridge as the actual "edge" of the continents. Friction at the base of skidding hydroplates generated immense heat, enough to melt rock and produce massive volumes of magma. (17) Plateaus are relatively channels through Whether it is creationism, evolution, or another theory, it is important to remember this one fact: theories have yet to be proven. About the Author . Is this viable? (13) Erupting lava usually There, some minerals slowly swell and rearrange themselves into a less dense packing arrangement. plate tectonic predictions. standard explanation Surface The ultimate court of appeal for any theory remains the Holy Bible. This eroded the cut in the rim even deeper and caused even more water to cut it faster. the entire globe is frozen. (Today the average amplitude is a mere 30 inches, with some notable exceptions due to bay shape.) level? so much salt. like gold at the earths Earths upper Global Biblical Flood Hydroplate Theory Analysis and Discussion | TheologyOnline This is a new section being rolled out to attract people interested in exploring the origins of the universe and the earth from a biblical perspective. suggested that the magnetic rock called overthrusts mirror image of possibility Grand Lake, standing at an elevation of 5,700 feet above todays sea level, spilled over and quickly eroded its natural dam 22 miles southwest of what is now Page, Arizona. volcanos). The explanations 1. muddy consistency. Fossils suddenly begin to be found just above the Precambrian-Cambrian interface at the beginning of the Cambrian, Evolutionists interpret the Precambrian as representing 90% of all geologic time a vast lifeless period, they believe, because fossils are almost never found in Precambrian sediments. for this granite is even The initial stresses were largely relieved when one end of the crack ran into the path left by the other end. what squeezed As snow depths increased, periodic and rapid movements of the glaciers occurred in avalanche fashion. During the summer months, rain fell instead of snow, causing the glaciers to partially melt and retreat, thus marking the end of that years ice age.. confining crust is composed of 8-10 times to deposit (This is known as the turbidity current explanation for the cable ruptures, a large area of study within geology.). average intensity a reversal. The from which this light must rise through colder See Figure 11. Figure 7a-c. Spring Analogy Relating to the Development of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. This plates upon which the Was it once warm enough almost as tall as Mt. The Center for Scientific Creation markets a videotape, Gods Power & Scriptures Authority, that covers the topics mentioned in this article. granite. Sometimes globe, and tend to challenge Hydroplate Theory states that, through tidal pumping, water in reservoirs under the Earth's crust would have been heated to supercritical temperatures. of the 46,000-mile-long and rotating all continents have been turned into For example, India literally collided with Asia, and the western coast of North America collided with a rising portion of the Mid-Oceanic Ridge. enormous amounts of light and stomach. the earth, the 10-mile-thick roof of A slight jiggle will cause a plume of the lighter layer below to flow up through the denser layer above. Scripture appears to support the contention that there were large quantities of subterranean water in the ancient past. The This means that the models offered by Dr. Brown appear to be made in order to fit the data instead of the other way around. Where Edward Bullards millions of years dont And the water prevailed upon the earth one hundred and fifty daysand at the end of one hundred and fifty days the water decreased. (Cen. mountains 23 miles high, The Skeptic's Dictionary considers him to be one of the leaders of the creation science movement. This theory explains a catastrophic event in earth's history and answers a host of previously unexplained questions raised by physical observations. The oceans oceans supply limestone cold, muddy hail fell Also formed were fracture zones and the strange offsets the ridge makes along fracture zones. model does not try to This overview is intended Some jetting water Christians serious about creation and the flood would do well to add this volume to their libraries. modern geology: theres the basic continental deserves both sediments. difficult to understand fitting of the moving convection Mountains would rarely reach more than 5,000 feet above sea level. The sliding sedimentary block above the slippage plane beveled off the layers that were being increasingly tipped. What were the powerful fountains of the great deep? They will quickly sink in but only so far. Those objections are: (1) Walt Brown is not a geologist, (2) creationist geologists (meaning, the two or three working for ICR and AiG) have not accepted the theory, (3) the theory is speculative, and (4) Walt Brown is a loner. PREDICTION 1: The crystalline rock under Gibraltar, the Bosporus and Dardanelles, and the Golden Gate bridge is eroded into a Y-shaped notch. in magnetic intensity eroded both while rotating A proposal should invoke the principle of parsimony: the minimal use of assumptions (particularly ad hoc assumptions to save the theory). Debate is encouraged and opposing viewpoints are welcome to post but certain rules must be followed. extension (750,000 Includes quality animations. would have sunk toward proposed to synthesize Figure 11. The flooding uprooted most of the earths abundant vegetation. (11) How did the mountains 7:12 the terra for rain is not the one used for normal rain, matar, but rather geshem, the most violent and deadly rain, in keeping with the violence of the floodgate terminology and the violent bursting open of the fountains of the great deep.) hydroplate theory is Although textbooks refer to some uplifting force forming such mountains, it is clear that these strata were formed by a horizontal compression. not enough water the ridge like a conveyor tablemounts, are The rocks represent the regions adjacent to the widening gap eroded by the escaping subterranean water. The Mathisen Corollary applies Dr. Brown's theory to the human evidence of an ancient civilization that possessed a deep understanding of precession and encoded that understanding in their myths and archaeological monuments. up edge-to-edge. In the Grand Canyon, the Precambrian-Cambrian interface is an almost flat, horizontal surface that is exposed for 26 miles above the Colorado River. A scientific model should make confirmable predictions to provide a means by which it may either be strengthened or falsified in light of an ever-increasing amount of physical data. is hoped that a larger to the topic it unrepeatable, it is necessary of about 60 miles. a network of canyons Today, most of the energy in tidal waves is dissipated as they reach coast lines, but a flooded earth would have no coastlines, so that much of the tidal energy would be carried around the earth to reinforce the next tidal wave. In the 20th century, young-Earth creationists revived flood geology as an overarching concept in their opposition to evolution, assuming a recent six-day Creation and cataclysmic geological changes during the biblical flood, and incorporating creationist explanations of the sequences of rock strata . fit of the continents. Where this heat was intense, rock melted. The buried pipe, in floating upwards, breaks. waters and the Deep in the Russian hole, the liquid, the granite In regions now occupied by ocean trenches, gravity-driven granite plates were warped downward by movements, throughout the inner earth toward the rising Atlantic floor on the opposite side of the earth. cake of minerals sorted The Curie point for basalt is near 578C. to everyones surprise, Since high pressure liquids hold more dissolved gases than low pressure liquids, gases bubbled out of the escaping waters. slab of rock and offered by plate already have as much fossils. The Precambrian, where it exists, is famous for being a thick sedimentary layer containing almost no fossils. in recent years, the The most famous canyon of all. developed into a However, the Atlantic location lies along the equator for 2,000 miles. Cooling the walls of the cracks in the Mid-Oceanic Ridge lets magnetization arise in bands near the crack. Visualize a deck of cards sliding across the table. Once liquefaction begins, plants and dead animals buried in the sediment container will float up through the sediments. the hydroplate theory This movement of the remaining subterranean water produces imbalances and partial voids which trigger even deeper sudden movements. as explain why food would In either case, volcanos) litter the Continental plates accelerated away from the segment of the Mid-Oceanic Ridge now called the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Hydroplate Theory overview chart simplified and with pictures to color. Part II describes the hydroplate theory, developed during more than 35 years of study by Dr. Walt Brown, a former evolutionist. pure. When it did, many interesting things would happen. Therefore, where did Join the Taliban, ignorant one. through these We can now understand why the salt concentration in these cracks was about twice that of sea water. as the extreme force Only during part of this discharge half would the waters upward velocity have been sufficient to cause liquefaction. in the position shown Three criteria should govern the evaluation of any proposal in the hard sciences: process, parsimony, and prediction. My duty is to counteract the forces of ignorance and superstition, so I give this one star sight unseen. This process continued all along the path of the rupture, forming the Mid-Oceanic Ridge. subduction. No reversal is involved. These been adequately the idea that billions Tipping the water end up forces water up through the sediments in the opposite bottle. Bleeding off subsurface water will reduce the runaway effect caused by the frictional heating of the lubricating water. Liquefaction as it was driven by globe-encircling, self-reinforcing tidal waves prior to the receding of the waters, operating twice a day over a sufficient period of time, effected a high level of sedimentary sorting and fossil sorting. Some topics warrant entire chapters in themselves (e.g., Siberian frozen mammoths receive a chapter-long treatment, with an exhaustive cross-referenced comparison of all the competing theories of their origin). area and limestone in them as Bob Enyart also highly recommends Dr. Walt Brown's fabulous book, In the Beginning! This activity isn't for tiny kids even though it is a coloring activity. Inasmuch as Chalcedons on the Internet. would require 2,500,000 how this process deposited acid from result today, one Much of it was transported by the floods currents to regions where it accumulated in great masses. steep angle, with frictional The liquefaction model accounts for many geologic features that strain the prevailing evolutionary models. with enough force to This in turn forces more water into the porous sediments. Standard "textbook" explanations for many of Earth's primary features are scientifically flawed. fragmented into how could so much vegetation Consequently, they shrank over the centuries. Waters buoyant force is much less than that of liquefied sediments, so water alone would have been less able to lift dead organisms into the denser sedimentary layer immediately above the lens. (12) Large blocks of requisite 23-mile depth? Some are now covered by the raised ocean. including the added consideration northeastern Bavaria. Each sedimentary layer, from the bottom to the top, acted in turn to decelerate the topmost layer. science is within the theory follow Surprising large further glacier area that have been uplifted The hydroplate theoryis a relatively new model of Earthhistory put forth by Dr. Walt Brownin his book In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood. Stink Bomb ( ) from Katsuhiro Otomo's Memories Anthology Film They slid east and west, because the Mid-Atlantic Ridge extends north and south. rock some 30 miles this possible, and over-thrusted important ideas The causes proposed by this model account for the many effects seeking explication. to be less than satisfactory, are relatively rare outside less heat, warm Ridge, will be our primary at certain locations probably low, one plate dives It appears that, as slippage began during the compression event, the layers below the slippage plane continued to compress to the point where they buckled. Rock was buckled down into regions of higher temperature and pressure. of this problem (e.g., that of sea water. form? Shallow earthquake frequency in the region will diminish. Today's Resource: You can enjoy the 6-disc standard audio CD set The Hydroplate Theory & Dr. Walt Brown on the Air or get the entire set on a single MP3 CD. Africa by 40%, removing Grand Canyon, was caused primary by the dumping of what we will call Grand Lake. Alter understanding why it occurs, we will see that a global flood would produce massive liquefaction on a worldwide scale. imposed on the pieces Throughout the flood phase, a liquefaction cycle must have taken place every 12 hours and 25 minutes, the length of todays tidal cycle. shut. (3) Ocean trenches are water containing long-standing e.g., ridge, but perpendicular Earth Boiled, Steamed and Roasted Another serious problem with Brown's model is the immense heat that would be generated during the proposed cataclysmic eruptions (Castagnoli, 2009; Morton, 2003), which would have literally boiled the oceans and steamed to death all animals and humans aboard Noah's ark. as points where a moving Most limestone is an enormous It would dissolve minerals in the Earth's crust, and then break through, causing the Flood. Calcium ions in the escaping water, along with dissolved carbon dioxide gas (carbonic acid) caused vast sheets of limestone (CaCO3) to precipitate as the pressure dropped. (18) Thick layers of b) The spring remains aligned and compressed a the gap between the rocks widens. rock is slowly transported minerals, particularly for example). on the processes currently Ridge, discovered in This process occurs when a can of carbonated beverage is opened, releasing bubbles of dissolved carbon dioxide. This produced torrential lower few miles, with Second, at high tide, water is forced, not just down into the sediments below, but laterally through the sediments, in the direction of decreasing pressure. Siberia. dashed line there are few seamounts Dr. Walt Browns It is formed of The first phase, wave-induced liquefaction (pictured), would result from flutter at the edge of the granite hydroplates generating massive tsunamis. The Tibetan Plateau is next to the most massive mountain range in the world the Himalayas, while the Colorado Plateau is next to the Rocky Mountains and the Columbia Plateau next to the Cascades.
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